Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Unmatched Power of Arnica & Menthol

The Struggle is Real for Athletes Dealing with Pain It was mile 23 of the marathon. Jason’s legs were burning and his knees felt like they might give out at any moment. He had trained for months to get here, but the pain was becoming unbearable. Jason wasn’t alone. Many athletes like him deal withBLOG

Taking Care of Your Health & Happiness: Empowering Women

empowering women - selfcare

In addition to managing their own lives, women often feel tremendous pressure to help others. There are many responsibilities to balance as daughters, sisters, friends, wives, and mothers. Apart from juggling those other roles, it’s important for women to look after themselves as well. Investing in our well-being, and taking care of our physical, mental,BLOG

CBD Can Improve Your Fitness and Daily Life

CBD Health Benefits

CBD has become a buzzword in just a few years. In just a blink, it went from, “CBD?” to, “Do we really need it?” That’s weed, isn’t it? CBD is available in an array of forms from topicals, tinctures, capsules, edibles, or inhalable. You’ve probably heard about people using CBD products for stress relief, sleep,BLOG